Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tatum Turns Six Months!

Our sweet little girl is six months old! What she is up to these days:
  • You just started solids and seem to have a liking for it.
  • You are able to sit up on your own with a little bumper back up.
  • Your brother is starting to pay a little more attention to you now that you can sit up and he can come over to you and chat.
  • You light up when your brother runs around you.
  • You light up when your Daddy comes home from work.
  • You are very nosey especially when you are breast feeding. You always have to look up and see what is going on when you hear a noise.
  • You love your jumpy and all of your new toys from Christmas.
  • Your brother loves to pour you tea from your new talking teapot.
  • You continue to bring us so much love and snuggies and we can't imagine our lives without you Miss Sweetness.

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